- 2011-2016 Doctor Of Philosophy, Stanford University, Physical Oceanography, Department of Earth System Science, GPA: 4.084/4
- 2006-2010 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours), Australian National University, Physics, First class honours 95/100 with University medal
- 2008-2009 Study Abroad Program, University of California Santa Barbara, Physics, GPA: 3.78/4
- 2004-2005 Year 12 Certificate, Lake Ginninderra College, Canberra, Australia, University Admissions Index (UAI): 99.6/100
Funding and Grants
- 2023 Holmes, R., Australian National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS) Mixing and air-sea coupling in the tropical Pacific: Toward improved El Nino forecasting. 4MSU. The University of Sydney Informatics Hub further supported this project with an additional 1.4MSU. 5.4MSU corresponds to AU$58,000, valued at AU$0.01078/SU.
- 2021-2023 Holmes, R., Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) DE21010004: Mixing and air-sea coupling in the Pacific: Toward better El Nino forecasts. AUD$440,185
- 2021-2024 Hogg, A., England, M., Morrison, A., Spence, P., Bennetts, L., Babanin, A., Holmes R., Hobbs, W., Shakespeare, C., Toffoli, A. and Evans, B., Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP200100406: Building Australia’s next-generation ocean-sea ice model. AUD$1,161,512
- 2018-2020 D. Whitt, S. Bachman, R-C Lien, W. Large and R. Holmes, Simulations and analysis of mesoscale to turbulence scale process models to facilitate observational process deployments in the Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue. NOAA/OAR Climate Variability and Predictability Program NOAA-OAR-CPO-2018-2005492, USD$572,950
Honors and Awards
- 2022 Invited keynote talk: European DRAKKAR ocean modelling meeting
- 2020 Consortium for Ocean and Sea Ice Modelling in Australia most selfless contribution award.
Award Image
- 2017 Nominated by the Australian Academy of Science to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in Lindau, Germany 2017.
- 2016 Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium (PODS) Invited Participant, Hawaii.
- 2014 AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) Winner
- 2012-2015 Stanford University Graduate Fellowship Award
- 2006-2010 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) Scholarship, Total AU$20,000
- 2010 University Medal in Physics, Australian National University
Academic Experience
- 2023+ Climate Scientist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Sydney.
- 2021-2023 ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) Fellow, University of Sydney, School of Geosciences, Faculty of Science
- 2018-2021 Senior Research Associate, University of New South Wales School of Mathematics and Statistics and Climate Change Research Centre
- 2016-2017 Research Associate, University of New South Wales Physical mechanisms governing interannual and decadal variability in the tropical Pacific ocean. Ocean heat uptake, tropical overturning. Abyssal mixing and diapycnal upwelling. Supervisors: Professor’s Matthew England and Trevor McDougall
- 2011-2016 Graduate Researcher, Stanford University Submesoscale processes, equatorial dynamics, turbulent mixing, ocean modelling.
- 2010-2011 Research Assistant, Australian National University (6 months) Computational polymer physics, two published papers.
- 2022 & 2023 Lecturer, GEOS2115: Oceans, coasts and climate change, University of Sydney. Taught 1/3rd of course on introduction to physical oceanography, including course and assessment design.
- 2021 Completion of University of Sydney Foundations of Research Supervision course (12 hours + in-person session) and registry on the Universities Supervisor Registry.
- 2020 Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE, UK).
- 2020 Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) UNSW teaching problem completed.
- 2019 & 2020 Lecturer, MSCI2001-Introductory Marine Science, University of New South Wales. Taught first two weeks (6 hours of lectures) on an introduction to physical oceanography. Led a four day field trip project. Designed course assessment material.
- 2018, 2019 & 2020 Guest lecturer, CLIM3001: Climate Systems Science, Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales. One 2hr lecture (Earth’s energy balance) and one 2hr tutorial (the El-Nino Southern Oscillation).
- 2019 Guest lecturer, CLIM2001: Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science, Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales. One 30 min lecture on Ocean Circulation and Modelling.
- 2018 Lecturer, MATH5285-MATH3261-Fluids, Oceans & Climate, University of New South Wales. Two two-hour lectures on Rossby waves and baroclinic instability, one tutorial and office hours.
- 2014 Teaching Assistant, Stanford graduate course Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics: The Atmospheric Circulation, Stanford University.
Student supervision
3 successful Ph.D. student completion, 1 successful Masters student completion, 1 successful honours student completion. Supervised 4 completed undergraduate summer student projects.
2 current Ph.D. students.
See Students page
Service and Outreach
- 2024+ Working group co-chair: ACCESS-NRI Machine Learning for Weather and Climate Working Group.
- 2023-2024 Monthly state of the ocean briefings: Provide monthly briefings on the current state of the ocean during the Bureau of Meteorology’s monthly seasonal climate outlooks meetings.
- 2023-2024 Seminar organiser: Science Conversations Bureau of Meteorology-wide short talks seminar series, bi-monthly.
- 2023 Workshop organiser: Sole organiser for the University of Sydney Oceanography Workshop, 21st of March 2023.
- 2022 Workshop organiser: Co-organiser for the Gerringong Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Retreat, May 2022, Gerringong NSW.
- 2022-2023 Weekly meeting convenor and working group co-chair: Consortium for Ocean and Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA)
- 2021 Research outreach: One hour research seminar to Marine Science Masters students as part of MARS5009; Sydney Institute for Marine Science (SIMS).
- Ongoing Proposal Reviewer: Australian Research Council (ARC), CSIRO Marine National Facility (MNF) and US National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposal reviewer
- Ongoing Paper Reviewer: Journal article reviewer for 30+ articles in journals including Nature, Nature Climate Change, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Climate Dynamics.
- 2022 Session Convenor: Low-Latitude Ocean Dynamics Session, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 (online).
- 2022 Committee member: University of Sydney, School of Geosciences research committee.
- 2021-present Executive committee member: Consortium for Ocean and Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA)
- 2021 Academic Mentor: University of Sydney Faculty of Science Mentoring program
- 2021 CMIP6 Contributor: I performed the ACCESS-OM2-025 (1/4-degree, physics only, ocean sea-ice model) simulation that comprised part of the Australian communities ACCESS contribution to the Ocean Model Intercomparison Program (OMIP) component of CMIP6.
- 2021-2023 Working group member: US CLIVAR working group on tropical Pacific decadal variability
- 2021 Undergraduate outreach: Research presentation to first year Geophysics students GEOS1003, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney.
- 2017-2022 Chief Investigator on National Computational Infrastructure project e14: Successful applications for large amounts of supercomputing resources (e.g. 12MSU awarded for 2019). Data/SUs manager.
- 2019 Session Convenor: Tropical Oceanography Session, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual Meeting, Darwin
- 2019 Workshop co-organiser: Water mass transformation for ocean physics and biogeochemistry. University of New South Wales, Sydney
- 2019 Summer School Co-organiser: Advanced Ocean Modelling Summer School, Hobart, Tasmania
- 2018 Session Convenor: Ocean General Session, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual Meeting, Sydney
- 2018-2019 Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes Early Career Research (ECR) committee member and UNSW representative. Annual Meeting 2018 ECR day main organiser